"The T is for Tantra" T


How do you reinvent something as ubiquitous as a T-shirt?

Well, Krishna McKinley did….Because he realized that most of the T-shirts he owned sucked. He had like one favorite, and the rest were freaking horrible. It’s why he hated wearing a shirt. They didn’t fit. They were too restrictive. So Krishna burned all his T-shirts. (We had a huge ceremony out behind the orange groves. We burned all our T-shirts in fact and released so much collective pain and trauma. Life-changing. So cleansing.)

No stranger to adversity, Krish knew it wouldn't be easy to reinvent the T-shirt. That’s because most American T-shirts are not made to fit spiritually honed bodies. They’re made to fit a body that eats McDonald's and slurps Frappucinos and lays about playing X-box and scrolling TikTok. But after years in the lab, Krish finally discovered that the perfect T-shirt was one that allowed the wearer to breathe— tantrically. And thus, “The T is for Tantra T” was born. The last T-shirt you will ever want to wear. A T-shirt that finally feels as good as being naked!

• 99% combed and ring-spun cotton (Heather colors contain 48% polyester)

• Pre-shrunk fabric

• Athletic fit (sadly for most American diets, they might run small)

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